Wounds into Wings logo_the ultimate program for PMDD, Anxiety & Depression



Healing past trauma deeply, rapidly and permanently; set yourself free from the prison of your mind.

Freedom and inner peace is absolutely available to you when you resolve the root of your issues at a deep subconscious level.

Do you long for freedom from the relentless emotional turmoil, physical pain and overwhelming sense of despair that continuously hijacks your life?

I've been there and I know how Depression, PMDD and Self-Love Deficit Disorder can cast a long shadow over your life.

At just 17, after years of suffering, I was eventually diagnosed with Clinical Depression and prescribed Prozac. I spent my teens and twenties suffering with Depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and what I now know was PMDD. I was so debilitated by this cyclical hell that I would miss one to two weeks of school each month. I felt like a burden; that everything would be better if I just wasn't here. We tried everything but still, I did not want to be here.

It wasn't until I discovered Rapid Transformational Therapy that I felt like I'd found the missing piece of the puzzle for healing people at the very source rather than patching symptoms. I experienced RTT on myself and it worked like magic.

I began to awaken to a whole new way of being and a whole new world of possibilities. I woke up to my worth and power. I alchemised the pain of my past into gold. Now it's your time!

You too are meant for more!

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Transform Your Life

When you transmute the core beliefs at the root of your pain, you can’t not transform all areas of your life.

Your amazing subconscious has been writing your blueprint since you were in the womb. Its job is to keep you alive and safe. Safety to our species means BELONGING to the tribe, not HEALTH, WEALTH and HAPPINESS, which our soul desires.

This blueprint of beliefs creates the lens through which you see yourself and the world around you. When we have beliefs from childhood to the effect of “I’m not enough”, our autonomic nervous system is chronically activated, as it perceives the danger of being rejected, leading to mental health issues and chronic illness.

This blueprint of beliefs, 95% of which is formed before we are 7 years old, also determines the nature of our relationships, often making us a magnet for partners not worthy of our love and attention.

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Imagine a life where you... 

Wake up each day feeling a deep sense of self-love and security about yourself.

Accept everything that you are with love and gratitude.

Live in flow, knowing that you are no longer held hostage by your thoughts, or susceptible to emotional hijacking.

Are free to enjoy respectful, harmonious relationships.

Are living the purposeful, abundant life you were meant for.

Hundreds of women worldwide have experienced this awakening transformation with me and NOW it's at YOUR finger tips!

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Wounds into Wings logo

8 Weeks of Transformational Hypnotherapy & Trauma Informed Coaching

In Wound into Wings we rapidly get to the deep subconscious root of your issues, by unveiling the hidden beliefs using regression in hypnosis. Powerfully transform the redundant imprints with inner child work, parts therapy and other powerful reframing tools, permanently rewiring the new neural pathways with new empowering beliefs.

Transform the pain of your past into personal power and freedom, and start creating the purposeful, abundant life your soul desires.

the wounds into wings journey:

1 x Introductory Life-without-the-problem Coaching Hour to map out your personal healing journey.

2 x Rapid Transformational Therapy Sessions (2 hours per session, 30 days apart) This is a revolutionary treatment for Root-Cause-Resolution of past trauma at a subconscious level.

2 x Personalised Transformational Recordings to permanently rewire your mind with the new empowering beliefs.

2 x Follow up Coaching Sessions (30 mins each)

24/7 Email & WhatsApp support over 60 days



6 x Video Lessons

  • Mindset work to transform your self-talk
  • Rules of the Mind
  • Metacognitive Psychology for mastering your mind
  • Polyvagal Theory for reshaping your nervous system
  • Mindfulness so that you can be more present and alive in the now
  • Feminine Energetics for transforming your communication in relationships and opening your heart up to receiving  love and abundance worthy of you

Videos drip-fed weekly in your own private portal. Not necessarily released in this particular order.

Your Investment

payment plan available

Got questions about the programme and want to chat? Book a coffee chat with Chloe

what my clients are saying

client testimonial for wounds to wings hypnotherapy & coaching program for PMDD
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What I've learned about the women that suffer in this way:

These beautifully sensitive souls are the empaths, creatives and the change-makers of the world.

Growing up you were the sensitive child; made to feel that you were too much, not really understood or attuned to.

You now reject yourself at a subconscious level because you felt rejected by those you depended upon in childhood; as a result you took on beliefs about yourself that are now playing havoc with your nervous system.

As a cyclical being, each month, your beautiful sensitivity is screaming out for you to transform those mutations in your belief system that keep you stuck and out of alignment.


Chloe Jimenez peters clinical hypnotherapist and RTT transformation coach
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It's time to heal; to transform your Wounds into Wings.

As sensitive, empathetic women with limiting beliefs, we tend to over-give. We believe we have to earn love; that we have to be a certain way to be worthy. We lose ourselves in all the people-pleasing and serving others. We get to a point where we don’t even know what’s in our own hearts anymore.

We often end up in unfulfilling, dead-end, or toxic relationships. Why?

We are manifesting everything in our lives from subconscious programming that was given to us before we had a choice. We made beliefs about what we were worthy of and what was possible for us according to what was available to us in childhood.

When you change your internal world, the universe responds.

You are meant for more in this life!


About Chloe

I’m a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner and Narcissistic Trauma-Informed Coach. I’ve helped hundreds of women like you free themselves from Depression, Anxiety and PMDD, and transform their lives in the most magical way.

I’m passionate about helping women heal from toxic or unfulfilling relationships; to break free from patterns of accepting less than you deserve in this life.

I’m here to set you off on an exciting journey back to wholeness. Together we create the belief system of the version of you that already has everything her heart desires, so that you can quickly and easily manifest the purposeful, abundant life you were meant for.

For me this is living on the beautiful island of Mallorca. I solo-parent my three young children and so far we have acquired two dogs, a cat, a water turtle and four hens. I absolutely love our life, but it wasn’t always like this…

It was through one of the most heartbreaking events of my life, when I suddenly found myself single parenting two baby boys with another baby on the way, that I set off on this quest to somehow be enough for my children. They only had me. I went down the rabbit hole of personal growth and transformation which miraculously brought me to this self-realised version of me with clear values and purpose. I alchemised the pain of my past into gold.

And now I help people worldwide achieve the most magical results in their lives.

I believe that healing our past trauma allows us to thrive authentically, with soul purpose, thus creating a more peaceful world for us and generations to come.

An abundant life is your BIRTHRIGHT!

Chloe Jimenez peters clinical hypnotherapist for PMDD



Wounds into Wings logo

8 Weeks of Transformational Hypnotherapy & Trauma Informed Coaching

In Wound into Wings we rapidly get to the deep subconscious root of your issues, by unveiling the hidden beliefs using regression in hypnosis. Powerfully transform the redundant imprints with inner child work, parts therapy and other powerful reframing tools, permanently rewiring the new neural pathways with new empowering beliefs.

Transform the pain of your past into personal power and freedom, and start creating the purposeful, abundant life your soul desires.

the wounds into wings journey:

1 x Introductory Life-without-the-problem Coaching Hour to map out your personal healing journey.

2 x Rapid Transformational Therapy Sessions (2 hours per session, 30 days apart) This is a revolutionary treatment for Root-Cause-Resolution of past trauma at a subconscious level.

2 x Personalised Transformational Recordings to permanently rewire your mind with the new empowering beliefs.

2 x Follow up Coaching Sessions (30 mins each)

24/7 Email & WhatsApp support over 60 days



6 x Video Lessons

  • Mindset work to transform your self-talk
  • Rules of the Mind
  • Metacognitive Psychology for mastering your mind
  • Polyvagal Theory for reshaping your nervous system
  • Mindfulness so that you can be more present and alive in the now
  • Feminine Energetics for transforming your communication in relationships and opening your heart up to receiving  love and abundance worthy of you

Videos drip-fed weekly in your own private portal. Not necessarily released in this particular order.

Your Investment

payment plan available


Got a question we haven't answered?

Why not schedule a free 15-minute discovery call with me and I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.